Monday, September 22, 2008 i love math class.

haha. this is me. i climbed in the cupboard in math class and i was hiding in there. because yes. i have yet to buy a 1010 book. i probably wont. :) that's why i make share theirs!

but anyways..i was totally going to hide in there until the next class came in...but they closed the doors and i had a nervous breakdown and had to get out. i think it's because i inhailed so many toxic fumes. and i was probably sharing the place with 5 million spiders and a whole family of mice. but i was laughing uncontrollably. you can probably see it in my face. i was trying to not look so dumb in it. but i am pretty sure i failed. oh well.

i tried so hard to convince michael (6ft. 2 in.)(burley) to get in there...but he was too big of a baby. anyways. that's my story for the day.

oh and also. i love seminary teachers. sis newbold mostly :) she just makes my day so much better.

and i love my family...for helping me color/figure out the horrible things i had to do for history (stamp act, declaratory act, and something else i cant even remember). they made my day so much easier and answered my prayers for help. oh and my daddy. i finished my powerpoint that took me forever to do...and i couldnt find it..and couldnt find it...and i was about to break down in tears so i asked my dad and he couldnt find it for the longest time..then i was like oh i'll say a little prayer..and right as my dad was giving up he found it :)

and that my friends is the power of prayer. try it. it works. i love it!

:) yay church.

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