Friday, March 25, 2011

today is my birthday.

so. yesterday i decided it was my birthday today.  so i got right to it, and changed my birthday status on facebook.

this is why:
1. i love cake, and i wanted a reason to eat it without thinking of the 14986 pounds i would gain.
2. i wanted an excuse to miss the gym today.
3. i wanted everyone to remember how cool and awesome i am. (remember guys, remember?!)
4. i like tricking everyone.
5. i wanted to see who really remembered my birthday, and who's a facebook PHONY.
6. this weekend seemed like a good weekend to celebrate my awesomeness.

reasons why i'm awesome:
1. i laugh at almost everything
2. i am a good cleaner
3. i am funny.
4. i am nice to almost everyone...usually.
5. i like really great stuff. like cheese. and good music. and boys.
6. i have really awesome dance moves.
7. i dont like stupid things. like baseball and high gas prices.
8. i qualify for food stamps.
9. i am so smart. about everything. i know all the everythings in the world.
10. i am a kick butt at being ungraceful.
11. i am really good at being bossy.
12. i dont eat animals. and thats awesome because they're gross. and it's sad that they die.
13. i have an awesome family.
14. there's a lot more but i dont want you do feel bad about yourself because i'm so awesome.


happy birthday to me. i'mma go buy me some balloons!

1 comment:

angie said...

Your DNA is even Awesome!! Thanks to me that is!