Wednesday, February 8, 2012

sing your heart out

so my life has been filled with quite a few...interesting events for the past few days.
never a dull moment with me, i swear. my luck just cant get any better, can it? that's okay though, i wouldnt change it for the world! i love my crazy life :)

okay so anyways, i guess i will start with something interesting..aka..saturday.

sooo. lets seeee...i'm trying to remember. okay yes, i had plans to meet my group at a metro stop to go to the botanical gardens and explore the (warm) flowers and whatever a botanical garden is supposed to have..but it was all a let down..from the moment i stepped outside my door!

1. it was snowing.

2. it was freezing

but hey, none of that is new news to me.

okay. sooo i walked to my bus stop because i was DETERMINED to get there, despite the fact that it was a blizzard impaling my face with darts of snow shards.

i got to the stop, and there was bus 245 waiting, about to leave. so i had to hurry and remember what bus number it was i was supposed to get on to get to the metro, so i didnt get on...figuring another bus would come within 5 me enough time to rummage through my purse and find the paper that holds all my beloved information of what buses to take and what stops, and where they'll take me.
luckily, that was the wrong bus, CRISIS AVOIDED!
but, another crisis arose..not one bus came..not for a whole 45 minutes. and there i stand. in the frozen. toes numb. face burning. waiting..waiting..waitinggggggg for a stupid bus to come. at this point, i didnt even care what bus it was. i was going to get on it and take it wherever it may go.

and that's exactly what i did.

my bus number is 249 to take me to metro stop "levebronestya" or something like that. i kinda just mumble it and hope people know what i'm talking about.
so anyways, i got on the bus. and sat there, and looked out the window and just waited to get to the right place. i recognized a lot of the stops, so i got SUPER excited that i figured this whole thing out on my own! so i got on the metro, and rode it to the stop we were all supposed to meet at. but seeing as i was 30 minutes late, everyone was gone..except for carly who had a rough time getting there too.

so we stood there waiting for someone to come get us for like twenty minutes, and that was rockin. everyone kept texting me telling me to not come because it was stupid, but i didnt listen to them because i wanted to see the flowers!
so we trekked through the snow to get to the botanical gardens, and guess what? THERE WERE NO FLOWERS. i think i saw one..that was growing on a tree..
needless to say it was a complete letdown. but we had warm shelter for an what more could i ask for!
(plus, because i came late...i didnt have to that's a MEGA plus!)
anyways, finally we got to leave (plus i was starving my entire guts out!) we all decided we wanted to go to "dream mall" sounds dreamy, eh?
well dont worry, it was.

upon our arrival, we dispersed to feed our hungry tummys. i made my way to the food court (tons of options, and cheap prices? yes please) and then i saw it. jesus sent me a little gift from heaven. A SANDWICH!
not just any sandwich. a panini.  i was in heaven.
except it was WAY too small..i needed about 6 more of them to fill my stomach at least halfway. it was a little disappointing, i'm not going to lie.

anywhooo, we sat and talked for a bit, and then decided to hit the shops before we got glued to those chairs at the food court.

so we shopped..until we dropped. this was no ordinary mall, folks. this was "dream mall" i feel like for some reason that's not the real name of it. i think it's "dream town...." because i remember singing the song funky town...while traveling to the mall.

so anyways, dream town mall thing. it was bigger than you imagine. it was like 5 stories, i swear. and it had an ice skating rink, and a roller skating rink, and bumper cars, and restaurants and all the other things in the entire world that you could imagine. and i guess just across the street they built a second addition to the mall, which has a water park!
oh my, the excitement.

so we hung out there for literally my entire life. i felt like i lived there now. i think we got there at 3 and didnt leave until 8...try lugging around your giant backpack for that many hours and shop at the same time. i'm pretty sure i saw every store there was..twice!
now THAT'S a serious feat.

anyways, some people that we were hanging out with decided to go home, so it was just me and carly and john..and we didnt wanna spend another saturday night just sitting in our rooms...but we had NO idea what we wanted to do, or what there was to do. so we kept bumming around the mall. then we were just standing there listening to this guy play the piano, and looked over and there was carly's host sister! (she's like 28..and really nice!) so we were talking to her and she was telling us about how she wanted to go to kareoke night..but didnt have anyone to go with, so we gladly volunteered to go :)

sooooo we called becki and lesa (two other teachers in our group) and got the move on it to go find this place. i was really excited to finally get out of the house and do something!

soo. we were walking in the snow. 
see that classy coat? it's so cute! 
okay, you're right. it's awful. and i stick out of here like a soar thumb. but wanna know what? 
1. it's warmer than hell itself. 
2. it has a kangaroo pouch. :) for all my valuables (which also doubles as me looking people give me their seat on the metro or bus..SCORE!)

so we got to the kareoke restaurant/bar kinda thing and were just chillin, ordered some food..there were only two other groups there so they would like rotate through the groups with who got to sing...and we sang a LOT. everyone loved us, they thought we were the awesomest people ever. 

probably because we are. 

we made friends with one of the other groups, and they were so funny. it was really interesting though, we were talking to them about kiev and what not, and they all said they didnt like it here at alllll and wanted to leave. 
i told them if i had to live through another winter here i probably would feel the same way. 
but i actually really like it here, minus the cold/snow/ice/slipping everywhere i try and walk. 

i asked them if they could tell that i was american just by looking at me..and they said yes. it's because i smile and laugh too much. 
shoooooot. :( 

anyways, that was a lot of fun. :) 

here's some jem's from that night: 

feast your eyes on this! 

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