Tuesday, November 8, 2011


okay. i guess i'm going to get a little serious here, because i feel like it.

but let  me say somethings before i do that:

today i am getting my hair cut. it's about time. i'm not going to lie, i have a full on mullet. on purpose, of course, but it's getting gross. mostly disgusting. but anyways, that's besides the point. today i was depressed because i wanted a pony tail for once. it's been 14 months since i've had one! or even since i've had a part in my hair. weird weird weird. so anyways, i got excited because today was the last day in a long time i could even attempt that.

so guess what!? I DID IT. I GOT MY HAIR INTO A PONY TAIL! :)

it's quite a sad attempt at a pony tail, but i got it done nonetheless.

okay. i think that's all the important things i have to say. now onto my regular topic.


i dont know who made this rule, but college is the time you have to make every single life decision you'll ever make and it's really stupid i think. and i just kinda wish someone will tell me what to do. i'm stressing hard. about everything. school. work. life in general. its weird how fast things change i decided. i thought i had everything mapped out. i would go to school. be there for 3 years. be a teacher. have a direct career path. blah blah blah. but then that changed into me doing business. and becoming an event planner and being really awesome. but then that changed into I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I WANT TO DO AND I WANNA HIDE IN THE CLOSET AND CRY.

but anyways. i'm over it. mostly what's going on now is..i applied to the U.
i'm looking for a new job up in the slc. (if you know of anyone hiring...let me know!?)
i...think that's all. i'm going to LAS VEGAS this weekend with some wonderful friends i work with. and the boyf :) and i'm exciteeeddd. it will be w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l. and warm..hopefully. i'm already sick and tired of the cold. and having frost on my car errymorning. BOO ON SNOW.

anyways. i hope everyone is happy and bright :) anndd full of good advice for me.

1 comment:

Alisha Bowling said...

1. I LOVE your blog. 2. I suck at commenting on it, but I LOVE reading it. 3. I find you fascinating. 4. I don't get to see you nearly enough! 5. Have a great time (but safe time) in Vegas. 6. The whole worry about not knowing what you want to be when you grow up...take a deep breath. You'll figure it out. How do I know this???

Because, my dear cuz, You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose!

Love you! Will I get to see you at Thanksgiving this year???