Wednesday, July 14, 2010

thailand memories.

soo i have just been thinking about my cute/ awesome thailand trip and how much i loved it and how much i wish i could be there right now, you guys have no idea how much i loved it there. it was SOOOO much fun! i made so many awesome friends and had so much awesome memories, and sooo i just wanted to share a few pictures with you to show how much freaking fun i had! maybe one day i will update you on all the stories of the goodness of my trip, or mabye you should invite me to eat dinner at your house so i can tell you all the wonderfulness of it (but PLEASE i beg of you, please do not make thai food. i cant take it!) okay, and i know this is like put together like a freaking stupid person did it, but i'm far too lazy to care what it looks like..soooo dont be hatin :)
shopping in phuket

water in jello cups. :)

it's so beautiful here! we were soo hyper. all the time :)
we dug the crap out of that hole!vip lounge :)

EWWW.i almost died this day. forreals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well i'm so freakin jealous. I think i need to do about half of what you do and I'll be happy with my life. I'll just MAYBE go rafting one day