Tuesday, September 15, 2009

creepy much?

baha. i love it when i find out people read my blog...it just brightens my days...especially my bad ones ;)

BUT! i guess this is my moment to promote my kenya trip!
(i think everyone in the whole world (of america) should do it, honestly)
today i did a presentation at my school for some seniors about it, and i was all excited and what not and i was talking about it blah blah blah, and they just were watching me like i was the biggest nut job on the face of the whole entire earth, but whatever. i love it.

anyways. if you want to get involved, go to youthlinc.org
you can go to more places than just kenya! they have mexico, and peru, and thailand, and kenya! it's absolutely amazing! it requires a lot of work and dedication and...passion. but believe me it's worth it!

in kenya...i taught in the school classes. we set up a soccer league for all the schools, and took over balls and jerseys and taught them drills and how to make a bracket so that they could have their own little tournament sorta thing! then we also helped start to build a secondary school. and we helped in the hospital, set up a library for the community, we threw a carnival, we did cultural exchanges. we went to church and visited peoples houses and farms and..bah! there is so much! i really need to one day post my journal entries. sorry i havent talked about it AT ALL. i am a horrible person. but i dunno..it's so hard to describe the feelings and events and like..everything i saw. and i so badly want to put it in words, or capture everything i saw and felt in a bottle and give every single on of you a piece of that because it brought me the most joy i have felt in my entire life.




Sonda said...

I wanna go! Do you think I could pass for a teenager? LOL

I'm so glad that you got to go.

mallorycake said...

haha you dont have to be a student!! you could definitely go as a mentor or something! especially since you have a nursing background :)

Audrey said...

That sounds so amazing and life changing!! I have always wanted to go to Africa and do something to help the people there! It is so cool that it brought you so much joy!

Unknown said...

Sweet, thanks so much! It sounds like such a good experience! And sorry again if you think it's really weird that I read your blog..