well..yes i did join the blogging bandwagon. i have a feeling i'll be pretty horrible at it and just write random things that make no sense at all. or just forget to write at all. but that's okay. i'll try and keep everyone updated while i'm on my trip in england and ireland and what not :) it'll be diet camp for sure. we are taking a suitecase full of food...and we have to live off that..and scraps of food off the streets haha because everything is so freakin expensive there.
so..we leave friday, august 1st, and we'll be staying in an apartment kinda near london for about..14 days..then we'll be flying over to ireland to start our freakin awesome road trip! until the 22nd..then we'll be back :) so..yeah! it should be super fun! dont miss me too much!
oh. p.s. i wont have my phone :)